AMC 232 and 258 6 Cylinder Engine Rebuild Manual | PDF Download
AMC 1972-1975 232 CID and 258 CID 6 Cylinder Engine Rebuild Manual | PDF Download

The service procedures, specifications and adjustments in this manual are designed for service technicians and owners to easily understand how to rebuild the 6 cylinder engines.
Engines covered by this Manual 1972-1975:
- 232 CID 6 Cylinder
- 258 CID 6 Cylinder
- Include all 6 and 8 cylinder engines from 1972-1975
Below is a detailed list of topics covered in this Engine Rebuild Manual:
- Engine Assembly
- Lubrication System
- Positive Crankcase Ventilation
- Cylinder Head Cover and Gasket
- Rocker Arm Assembly
- Valve Spring - Valve Stem Oil Seal
- Intake and Exhaust Manifolds
- Cylinder Head and Gasket
- Cylinder Head Reconditioning
- Hydraulic Valve Tappets
- Vibration Damper
- Timing Chain Cover
- Timing Chain
- Camshaft and Bearings
- Oil Pan
- Oil Pump
- Rear Main Bearing Oil Seal
- Connecting Rod Bearings
- Connecting Road and Piston Assemblies
- Crankshaft Main Bearings
- Crankshaft
- Short Engine Assembly
- Flywheel and Starter Ring Gear Assembly
- Specifications
Please note: This Shop Manual covers the complete AMC Engine range both 6 and V8.
To purchase the complete comprehensive Workshop Service Repair Manual that includes this section please click here
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