FORD LTD P6 1976-79 Workshop Manual | PDF Download
FORD LTD P6 1976-1979 Workshop Manual
This Ford Workshop Manual comes as a PDF download, fully bookmarked for easy navigation.
With easy, step by step instructions, this manual is suitable for the home workshop mechanic or professional technician to help you maintain, repair or restore your Ford.
This rare Ford Workshop Manual is dedicated solely to the following Ford models made between 1976-1979:
- Ford LTD P6
- Ford LTD P6 Silver Monarch
- Ford LTD P6 Town Car
The following engines are covered by this Ford Service Manual:
- 5.8L (351) V8
The following transmissions are covered by this Ford Service Manual:
- C4 Automatic Transmission
- FMX Automatic Transmission
Below is a detailed list of topics covered in this Ford Service Manual:
- Vehicle Identification
- Brakes
- Suspension
- Steering
- Wheels and Tyres
- Rear Axle
- Drive Line
- Automatic Transmission
- Engine
- Ignition System
- Fuel System
- Cooling System
- Exhaust System
- Charging System
- Starting System
- Lighting
- Ventilation, Heating and Accessories
- Body, Doors and Windows
- Trim and Seats
- Maintenance Schedule and Lubrication Chart
- Maintenance Operations
- Special Tools
- Schematics
- Emission Control System
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