JAGUAR 3.4 & 3.8 S Type 1963-68 Workshop Manual | PDF Download
JAGUAR 3.4 and 3.8 Litre S Type 1963-1968 Factory Workshop & Spare Parts Manual | PDF Download

JAGUAR 3.4 and 3.8 Litre S Type 1963-1968 Factory Workshop & Spare Parts Manual | PDF Download
This Jaguar Workshop Manual is for the following Jaguar Cars made between 1963-1968.
- Jaguar 3.4 Litre S Type Saloon
- Jaguar 3.8 Litre S Type Saloon
The following is a detailed list of information in this Jaguar Service Manual.
- Air Cleaners
- Bottom Chain Tensioner - Removal, Refitting
- Camshafts - Removal, Refitting, Overhaul
- Compression Pressures
- Connecting Rod and Bearings - Removal, Overhaul, Refitting, Big-end bearing replacement
- Crankshaft - Removal, Overhaul, Refitting
- Crankshaft Damper and Pulley - Removal, Overhaul, Refitting
- Crankshaft Rear Oil Seal - Removal, Replacing the Seal, Refitting
- Cylinder Block - Overhaul
- Cylinder Head - Removal, Overhaul, Refitting
- Data
- Decarbonising and Grinding Valves
- Engine Details
- Engine - Removal and Refitting
- Engine - To Dismantle
- Engine - To Assemble
- Engine Mountings
- Front Engine Mountings
- Rear Engine Mounting (Standard Transmission and Overdrive Models)
- Rear Engine Mounting (Automatic-Transmission)
- Engine Stabilisers
- Exhaust Manifolds - Removal, Refitting
- Flywheel - Removal, Overhaul, Refitting
- Ignition Timing
- Inlet Manifold - Removal, Refitting
- Oil Filter - Removal, Refitting, Element Replacement
- Oil Pump - Removal, Dismantling, Overhaul, Re-assembling, Refitting
- Oil Sump - Removal, Refitting
- Pistons and Gudgeon Pins - Removal, Overhaul, Refitting
- Routine Maintenance
- Sparking Plugs - Service Procedure, Analysing Service Conditions, Standard Gap Setting, Sparking Plug Inserts
- Tappets, Tappet Guides and Adjusting Pads - Removal of Tappets and Adjusting Pads, Overhaul, Tappet Guide Replacement
- Timing Gear - Removal, Dismantling, Overhaul, Assembling, Refitting
- Valves and Springs - Removal, Overhaul, Valve Clearance Adjustment, Refitting
- Valve Guides - Replacement
- Valve Seat Inserts - Replacement
- Valve Timing
- Description
- Throttle spindle glands
- Idling
- Data
- Routine Maintenance
- Lubricate carburetter piston damper
- Checking carburetter slow running
- Cleaning carburetter filters
- Fuel feed line filter
- Carburetters - Removal, Refitting
- Cleaning the suction chamber and piston
- Carburetter tuning
- Float chamber fuel level
- Centring the end
- Auxiliary Starting Carburetter - Description, Adjustment, Thermostatic switch-removal and refitting
- Throttle Control Linkage Setting
- The Petrol Pump - Description, Operation, Removal, Refitting
- Replacing the delivery chamber diaphragm
- Resetting the armature and diaphragm assembly
- Petrol Tanks - Removal, Refitting
- Petrol Gauge Tank Units - Removal, Refitting
- Data
- Routine Maintenance
- Checking radiator water level
- Care of the cooling system
- Frost Precautions
- Anti-freeze
- Engine heater
- Radiator - Removal , Cleansing the system, Refitting
- Fan - Removal, Refitting
- Automatic Fan Belt Tensioner
- Fan Belt - Removal, Refitting
- Thermostat - Removal, Checking, Refitting,
- Data
- Water Pump - Removal, Dismantling, Checking, Reassembly, Refitting
- Water Temperature Gauge
- Description
- Data
- Routine Maintenance
- Clutch fluid level
- Clutch free travel
- Recommended hydraulic fluids
- Hydraulic system-general instructions
- Bleeding the system
- Flushing the system
- Removing and refitting a flexible hose
- The Master Cylinder - Principle of operation, Removal, Refitting
- Renewing the master cylinder seals
- Master cylinder push-rod-free travel
- The Slave Cylinder - Removal, Dismantling, Assembling, Refitting
- The Clutch Unit - General Instructions
- Clutch cover assembly
- Release bearing
- Condition of clutch facings
- Alignment
- Pedal adjustment
- Removal of clutch - Dismantling, Assembling, Refitting
- Data for clutch lever tip setting
- Fault finding
- Gearbox Ratio Data
- Data
- Routine Maintenance
- Recommended Lubricants
- Gearbox - remove and refit
- Gearbox - dismantle
- Dismantling the mainshaft
- Dismantling the constant pinion shaft
- Gearbox - re-assemble
- Checking layshaft end float
- Assembling the mainshaft
- Assembling the second gear synchro assembly
- Fitting the second gear assembly to the mainshaft
- Assembling the third/top synchro assembly
- Fitting the third/top synchro assembly to the mainshaft
- Assembling the constant pinion shaft
- Assembling the gears to the casing
- Fitting the top cover
- Fitting the extension
- Fitting the clutch housing
- Description
- Method of operation
- Routine Maintenance
- Recommended Lubricants
- Dismantling and re-assembling - Removing the overdrive from the gearbox
- Dismantling the overdrive - Inspection, Re-assembling the overdrive
- Refitting the overdrive to the gearbox
- Components
- The operating valve
- The hydraulic system
- The pump valve
- The Pump - Dismantling, Assembly
- Hydraulic Pressure
- The Accumulator Piston and Spring - Removal
- The Control System
- Wiring Circuit
- Operating solenoid
- Data
- Operating Instructions
- Fault Finding
- Service Tools
- AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION (Linkage and Controls)
- Description
- Anti-creep System
- Data
- Routine Maintenance
- Operation
- Selector
- To release transmission from P (Park) when facing UP HILL
- To release transmission from P (Park) when facing DOWN HILL
- Service Adjustments:
- Accelerator to governor lever adjustment
- Starter cut-out and reverse light switch
- Manual selector cable adjustment
- Anti-creep throttle switch adjustment
- Description
- Routine Maintenance
- Propeller Shaft (Standard Transmission Models) - Removal, Refitting
- Propeller Shaft (Overdrive and Automatic Transmission Models) - Removal
- Refitting
- The Universal Joints - Examine and check for wear, dismantle, Assembling
- Description
- Data
- Axle Ratios
- Recommended Lubricants
- Routine Maintenance
- Checking rear axle oil level
- Changing the rear axle oil
- The Axle Unit - Removal, Refitting
- The Rear Hubs - Removal, Dismantling, Assembling, Refitting
- The Halfshafts - Removal, Refitting
- The universal joints
- The Differential Unit - Description
- Principle of operation
- The output shafts
- Removing the differential assembly from the carrier
- Dismantling the differential unit
- Assembling the differential unit
- Pinion adjustment
- Differential bearing pre-load and drive gear adjustment
- Final assembly
- Tooth contact
- Special Tools
- Description
- Data
- Routine Maintenance:
- Steering Box (Standard Steering)
- Steering Idle Lever Housing
- Steering Tie-Rods
- Wheel Swivels
- Front Wheel Alignment
- Recommended Lubricants
- Steering Unit - Removal, Dismantling, Assembling, Refitting
- Wormshaft End Float
- Rocker Shaft End Float
- Steering Wheel - Removal, Refitting
- Steering Column - Removal, Dismantling, Re-assembling, Refitting
- Lower Steering Column - Removal, Dismantling and Re-assembly, Refitting
- Steering Idler Assembly - Removal, Dismantling, Assembling, Refitting
- Steering Arm - Removal, Refitting
- Tie Rod - Removal, Refitting
- Track Rod - Removal, Dismantling, Assembling
- Front Wheel Alignment
- Lock Stop Adjustment
- Accidental Damage
- Description
- The Steering Unit
- Data
- The Valve
- The Rocker Shaft
- Routine Maintenance
- Checking the Steering Reservoir Oil Level
- Steering Idle Lever Housing
- Steering Tie-Rods
- Recommended Lubricants
- Operation
- (a) Steering in straight ahead position
- (b) Steering on lock
- The Steering Unit - Removal, Dismantling, Assembling
- The End Cover
- Rocker Shaft Adjustment
- Rocker Shaft Assembly
- Replacement of Top End Plate Oil Seal
- The Reservoir
- Bleeding the System
- Steering Idler Assembly - Removal, Dismantling, Assembling
- Refitting
- Fault Finding
- 1. High Steering Effort
- 2. Noise (the installation is noisy at engine idling speed)
- 3. Oil Leaks
- Description
- The Steering Unit
- Data
- The Valve
- The Rocker Shaft
- Routine Maintenance
- Checking the Steering Reservoir Oil Level
- Steering Idle Lever Housing
- Steering Tie-Rods
- Recommended Lubricants
- Operation
- (a) Steering in straight ahead position
- (b) Steering on lock
- The Steering Unit (Second Type) - Removal, Dismantling, Assembling
- The Top Cover
- The Rocker Shaft Cover
- Rocker Shaft Adjustment
- Replacement of Top Cover Oil Seal
- The Reservoir
- Bleeding the System
- Steering Idler Assembly - Removal, Dismantling, Assembling
- Lock Stop Adjustment
- Fault Finding:
- 1. High Steering Effort
- 2. Noise
- 3. Oil Leaks
- Accidental Damage
- The Pressure Pump - Operation, Removal, Dismantling, Inspection and Assembly, Refitting
- Description
- Data
- Routine Maintenance
- Front suspension
- Front shock absorbers
- Wheel swivels
- Front wheel alignment
- Front Suspension Assembly - Removal, Refitting,
- Suspension Bump Stop
- Hydraulic Dampers - Removal, Refitting
- Coil Springs - Removal, Refitting
- Coil spring packing pieces
- Wheel Hubs - Removal, Dismantling, Refitting
- Bearing end-float adjustment
- Stub Axle Carriers - Removal, Refitting
- Lower Wishbone - Removal, Fitting the rubber/steel bushes, Refitting
- Lower Wishbone Ball Joint - Removal, Dismantling, Reassembling
- Adjustment of the ball joint, Refitting
- Upper Wishbone - Removal, Dismantling, Fitting the rubber/steel bushes , Reassembling, Refitting
- Upper Wishbone Ball Joint - Removal, Refitting
- Castor Angle Adjustment
- Camber Angle Adjustment
- Anti-Roll Bar - Removal, Fitting the link arm bush, Refitting
- Accidental Damage
- Description
- Data
- Routine Maintenance
- Recommended lubricants
- Rear Suspension - Removal, Refitting
- Road Spring and Hydraulic Damper Assembly - Removal, Refitting
- Hydraulic Dampers - Removal, Refitting
- Radius Arm - Removal, Refitting
- Wishbone - Removal, Refitting
- Wishbone Outer Pivot - Removal, Dismantling, Reassembly, Bearing adjustment, Refitting
- Inner Fulcrum Wishbone Mounting Bracket - Removal Refitting
- Rear Wheel Camber Angle-Adjustment
- Accidental Damage
- Special Tools
- Description
- Handbrake
- Data
- Routine Maintenance
- Brake fluid level
- Brake fluid level warning light
- Friction pads-examination for wear
- Friction pads-renewal
- Brake servo air cleaner
- Bleeding the brake hydraulic system
- Brake overhaul-precautions
- The Master Cylinder - Operation, Removal
- Renewing the master cylinder seals
- Master cylinder push-rod-free travel
- The Brake Assembly - Assembling
- Renewing the friction pads
- Renewing cylinder seals
- Handbrake - Operation, Friction pad carriers-removal, Dismantling, Friction pad carriers-refitting
- Handbrake cable adjustment
- Handbrake friction pads-renewing
- Handbrake cable - removal, Refitting
- The Brake Fluid Level and Handbrake Warning Light - Description
- Handbrake warning light switch-setting
- The Vacuum Reservoir and Check Valve - Description, Removal, Refitting
- Lockheed 6i" Vacuum Servo Unit
- Booster Piston
- Slave cylinder
- Control valve
- Service Tools
- Description
- Data
- Road Wheels
- Wheel Alignment and its Association with Road Camber
- Tyee and Wheel Balance
- Tyee Replacement and Wheel Interchanging
- Wire Spoke Wheels, Description, Removal and Dismantling, Rebuilding, Trueing
- The Instrument Panel - Opening, Removal, Refitting
- The Screen Rail - Removal, Refitting
- The Side Facia Panel - Removal, Refitting
- The Glovebox - Removal, Refitting
- The Console - Removal, Refitting
- Bonnet - Removal, Refitting
- Bonnet Lock - Removal, Adjustment of the Bonnet Lock, Refitting
- Chrome Strips on Bonnet - Removal, Refitting
- Radiator Grille - Removal, Dismantling, Re-assembling, Refitting
- Mascot - Removal, Refitting
- luggage Compartment Lid and Hinges - Removal, Refitting
- Boot Lock Adjustment
- Petrol Filler Lids - Removal, Refitting
- Front Bumper - Removal, Refitting
- Front Bumper Over-riders - Removal, Refitting
- Rear Bumper - Removal, Refitting
- Rear Bumper Over-riders - Removal, Refitting
- Windscreen - Removal, Refitting
- Rear Glass - Removal, Refitting
- Front Doors and Hinges - Removal, Refitting
- Rear Doors and Hinges - Removal, Refitting
- Front and Rear Door Trim Casing - Removal, Refitting
- Front and Rear Door Window Frames and Glass - Removal, Refitting
- Front No Draught Ventilator - Removal, Refitting
- Rear No Draught Ventilator - Removal, Refitting
- Front Window Regulator - Removal, Refitting
- Rear Window Regulator - Removal, Refitting
- Front Seats and Seat Runners - Removal, Refitting
- Rear Seat and Squab - Removal, Refitting
- Polished Wood Cappings - Removal and Refit of Upper and Lower Capping on Door Pillar
- Capping Rail at the Side of the Windscreen - Remove, Refitting
- Courtesy Light and Capping - Removal, Refitting
- Removal of Lock Mechanism - Front Doors, Rear Doors
- Remote Opening Control - Removing and Refitting
- Turn-Button Locking Control - Removing and Refitting
- Lock Unit - Removing and Refitting
- Outside Handle Base-Plate - Removing and Refitting
- Striker Unit - Removing and Refitting
- Outside Handle - Removing and Refitting
- Master Check for Correct Alignment - Front Doors, Rear Doors
- Replacement Body Panels
- Checking Body Underframe Alignment:
- Checking for Distortion in the Horizontal Plane
- Checking for Distortion in the Vertical Plane
- Body Alignment Jig
- Welding Methods:
- Spot Welding
- Breaking Spot Welds
- Gas Welding
- Breaking Gas Welds
- Removal
- Refitting
- Description
- Fan Switch
- Air distribution
- Cold weather
- Hot weather
- Vacuum Servo System
- Scuttle Ventilator Servo Unit - Removal, Refitting
- Heater Tap Servo Unit - Removal, Refitting
- Vacuum Supply Tank - Removal, Refitting
- Heater Unit - Removal, Refitting
- Heater Matrix - Removal, Refitting
- Fan Motor - Removal, Refitting
- Fan Switch - Removal, Refitting
- Air Temperature Control Panel - Removal, Refitting
- Heater Control Lever - Removal, Refitting
- Front Air Direction Vents - Removal, Refitting
- Direction Vent Control Cables - Removal, Refitting
- Operation
- Filling-up
- Cold weather
- Adjusting the jets
- Jet nozzles
- Lubrication
- Routine Maintenance
- Removal
- Refitting
- Data
- Persistent Low State of Charge
- Recharging from an External Supply
- Preparing New Unfilled, Uncharged Batteries for Service
- Preparing New "Dry Charged" Batteries for Service
- Removal
- Refitting
- Routine Maintenance
- Servicing
- Data
- Distributor Test Data
- Information
- Information
- Circuits
- General
- Routine Maintenance
- Performance Data
- Removal
- Refitting
- Servicing
- General
- Routine Maintenance
- Performance Data
- Removal
- Refitting
- Servicing
- General
- Voltage Regulator
- Current Regulator
- Cut-out Relay
- Adjustment of Air Gap Settings
- Cleaning Contacts
- Performance Data
- General
- Removal
- Refitting
- Routine Maintenance
- Servicing
- To Dismantle
- Reassembly
- General
- Routine Maintenance
- Dismantling and Reassembly
- Lamp Bulbs
- Headlights
- Headlight Beam Setting
- Headlight Unit-Replacement
- Sidelight Bulb-Replacement
- Sidelight Warning Light Bulb-Replacement (Italian)
- Front Flasher Bulb-Replacement
- Rear Flasher Bulb-Replacement
- Flashing Indicator Bulb-Replacement
- Rear/Brake Light Bulb-Replacement
- Number Plate Light Bulb-Replacement
- Luggage Compartment Light Bulb-Replacement
- Reversing Light Bulb-Replacement
- Interior Light Bulbs-Replacement
- Glovebox Light Bulb-Replacement
- Map Light Bulb-Replacement
- Indicator Strip Bulbs-Replacement
- Automatic Selector Bulb-Replacement
- Fog-Light Unit-Replacement
- Fog Lamp Bulb-Replacement (Switzerland)
- Fog Lamp Bulb-Replacement (France)
- Adjusting Fog Lamp Beams
- Description
- Maintenance
- Adjustment
- Service Replacements
- Horn Relay-Checking
- Data
- Description
- Maintenance
- Removal of Wiper Motor and Cable
- Refitting
- Removal of Wheelboxes
- Refitting
- Fault Diagnosis
- Testing
- Electric Clock
- Brake Fluid and Handbrake Warning Light
- Flashing Indicator Control
- The Instrument Panel
- The Screen Rail
- The Side Facia Panel
- The Glovebox
- The Speedometer
- The Revolution Counter and Clock
- Testing Operation of Revolution Counter
- The Revolution Counter Drive
- Removal of the Instrument Panel Components
- The Bi-Metal Resistance Instrumentation
- Operation of the engine temperature gauge
- Operation of the fuel tanks gauge
- Analysis of the engine temperature and petrol tank gauge faults
- Analysis of the oil pressure gauge faults
- Operation of the oil pressure gauge
- The Speedo Drive Cable
- Speedometer Cable
- Speedometer
- Radio
- Radio Unit and Front Loudspeaker Mounting
- Rear Speaker Fitting
- Electrically Heated Backlight
- Fault diagnosis
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