Gear shifting is of course outside limits of possibility for him, but except for this operation a collie owned by a Poughkeepsie NY automobile dealer is able to drive a motor car.

Every one along ‘Auto Row’ in New York City was completely dumbfounded not long ago when the dog acted as chauffeur for his master. While weaving in and out through Broadway’s traffic, however, the owner had an axillary control at hand to help the animal out of tight places and avoid danger of a mishap. But on ordinary occasions when congested street do not need to be negotiated, the collie drives along like a man, turning corners and avoiding other vehicles with surprising facility. On such rides his master sits beside him, or in the tonneau behind. On a track where the chances of an accident is eliminated the dog drives alone with nobody in the car to help him. No special devise is fitted to the steering wheel to assist him.
Article from the Globe, Sydney, Monday 18 June 1917