Austin K Series 1939-48 Engine Rebuild Manual | PDF Download
Austin Truck K Series 1939-1948 Comprehensive Engine Rebuild Manual | PDF Download
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Austin Truck K Series 1939-1948 Comprehensive Engine Rebuild Manual | PDF Download
This Austin Engine Rebuild Workshop Manual covers the 1939-1948
- Austin 3.5 Litre Engine
- Austin 4 Litre Engine
Below is a detailed list of topics covered in this Austin Engine Rebuild Manual:
- Cooling System
- The Radiator
- The Water Pump
- The Fuel System
- The Petrol Tank
- The Fuel Pump
- The Manifolds
- The Carburetor
- Engine Lubrication
- Circulation
- Draining the Sump
- Refilling
- The By-Pass Filter Circuit
- Renewing the By-Pass Filter
The Oil Pressure Gauge - Checking for Pressure Loss
- Removing the Oil Pump
- Replacing the Oil Pump
- Dismantling and Reassembling the Pump
- The Release Valve - 3-Litre Engine
- The Release Valve - 4-litre Engine
- The Valve Rocker Shaft
Engine Assembly - Recommended Engine Clearances and General Data
- Service Operations with the Engine in Position
- Remove and Refit the Engine
- Service Operations with the Engine Removed
- Tappet Adjustment
- Renewing a Valve Spring in position
- Removing the Push Rods
- Removing the Cylinder Head
- Valves and Valve Guides
- Replacing the Cylinder Head
- Expansion Plugs (or Welch Plugs)
- Removing the Tappets
- Starting Nut and Belt Pulley
- Removing the Timing Chain
- Withdrawing the Camshaft
- Camshaft Gear
- Camshaft Bearings
- Piston Rings
- Flywheel Housing
- Main Bearings and Crankshaft
- Ignition Timing
- Removing and Replacing the Distributor
- Sparking Plugs
- Starter, High Tension Lead and Speedometer Cable
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