FIAT 780, 780DT, 880, 880DT Factory Tractor Workshop Manual | PDF Download

FIAT 780, 780DT, 880, 880DT Factory Tractor Workshop Manual | PDF Download
This Fiat Tractor Workshop Manual is suitable for the following models:
- Fiat 780 Tractor
- Fiat 780 DT Tractor
- Fiat 880 Tractor
- Fiat 880 DT Tractor
- 3666cc 4 Cylinder Diesel
- 4562cc 4 Cylinder Diesel
Below is a detailed list of topics covered in this Fiat Workshop Manual:
- Identification Data
- Capacities
- ENGINE - Specification and Data
- Engine Block
- Cylinder Head
- Crank Gear
- Valve Gear
- Lubrication System
- Cooling System
- Fuel System
- Tightening Torque Figures
- ENGINE - Longitudinal Section through Engine
- - 780 Tractor
- - 880 Tractor
- To Remove - To Refit
- Performance Data ,
- Compression Test
- Engine Block
- Cylinder Head
- Cylinder Liners
- Cylinder Head
- ENGINE - Valve Gear
- Camshaft - Valves, Guides and Springs
- Tappets, Pushrods and Rockers,
- Valve Timing Gear Train
- ENGINE - Crank Gear
- Crankshaft
- Main and Big-End Bearings
- Pistons and Rings
- Connecting Rods
- Flywheel
- Dynamic Balancer
- - 780 Tractor,
- - 880 Tractor,
- ENGINE - Lubrication System
- Lubrication System Diagram
- - 780 Tractor,
- - 880 Tractor,
- Oil Pump - Oil Filter - Oil Pressure
- Warning System
- ENGINE - Cooling System
- Cooling System Diagram
- Description - Water Pump
- Radiator
- To Adjust Belt Tension - Water
- Temperature Gauge - Thermostat
- POWER TRAIN - Specification and Data
- Clutches
- Gearbox and Splitter
- Crawler Gear
- Rear Bevel Drive and Differential
- Brakes
- Final Drives
- Power Take Off
- Tightening Torque Figures
- Longitudinal Section through Train
- - 780 Tractor
- - 880 Tractor
- Power Cross Section through Power Train
- - 780 Tractor
- - 880 Tractor
- POWER TRAIN - To Remove and Refit
- Control Platform
- POWER TRAIN - Clutch
- To Remove and Refit
- To Overhaul Ferodo Clutch
- To Adjust Ferodo Clutch
- To Overhaul Luk Clutch
- To Adjust Luk Clutch
- • To Adjust Clutch Linkage
- POWER TRAIN - Gearbox and Splitter
- To Remove - To Refit - To Dismantle,
- Sections through the Gearbox
- - 780 Tractor,
- - 880 Tractor,
- To Inspect - To Reassemble
- To Adjust the Gearbox, 880 Tractor
- POWER TRAIN - Crawler Gear
- POWER TRAIN - Rear Bevel Drive and Differential
- To Remove - To Refit - To Dismantle
- To Reassemble
- To Adjust Bevel Drive
- To Reassemble and Adjust Differential Lock
- To Adjust Differential Lock Control Pedal
- POWER TRAIN - Brakes
- Operation
- To Dismantle and Reassemble Brake Units
- To Dismantle and Reassemble Master Cylinder
- To Adjust the Pedals
- To Reinstall the Pedals - To Bleed the System
- To Bench Test Master Cylinder
- Parking Brake
- POWER TRAIN - Final Drives
- To remove - To Dismantle
- To Reassemble - To refit
- POWER TRAIN - Power Take-Off
- To Remove - To Refit
- To Dismantle - To Reassemble
- FRONT AXLE - STEERING - Specification and Data
- Front Axle
- Manual Steering - Power Steering
- Tightening Torque Figures
- To Remove and Refit Axle Beam - To Overhaul Axle Arms
- To Inspect
- FRONT AXLE - STEERING - Manual Steering
- To Overhaul Steering Box
- Linkage
- FRONT AXLE - STEERING - Power Steering
- To Overhaul Power Steering
- To Overhaul Hydraulic Cylinder
- ·To Overhaul Steering Pump and
- Reservoir - To Bleed the System
- To Adjust the Valves
- Fault Finding Chart
- Operation Diagram and Section
- LIVE FRONT AXLE - Specification and Data
- Front Axle
- Front Axle Drive - Drive Shaft
- Tightening Torque Figures
- LIVE FRONT AXLE - Front Axle
- To Remove - To Overhaul
- Drives Hubs and Steering Joints
- To Adjust King Pin Bearings - To Adjust Wheel Bearings
- To Overhaul Bevel Drive and Differential
- To Adjust Bevel Drive
- LIVE FRONT AXLE - Drive Shafts - Axle Drive
- To Remove and Refit Drive Shafts
- To Dismantle Axle Drive
- To Reassemble Axle Drive
- Sections through Live Front Axle
- LIFT UNIT - Specification and Data
- Lift
- Lift Pump
- Implement Attachment
- Fault Finding Chart
- Tightening Torque Figures
- LIFT UNIT - Lift
- Description
- To Remove - To Dismantle.
- Hydraulic System Diagrams
- Lift Schematics
- To Inspect
- To Reassemble
- To Adjust
- LIFT UNIT - Lift Pump
- To Overhaul
- Output Test - Oil Filter
- LIFT UNIT - Implement Attachment
- Three-point .Linkage - Draught Control
- To Adjust Sensing Bar End Float
- ELECTRICAL SYSTEM - Specification and Data
- Charging System
- Starter
- - Marelli
- - Bosch
- Battery - Fuses
- Lighting - Signals - Accessories
- Starter Switch - Lighting Switch
- Direction Light Switch
- Controls and Instruments
- Wiring Diagrams
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