AMC 304, 360 and 401 V8 Engine Rebuild Manual | PDF Download
AMC 1972-1975 304 CID, 360 CID and 401 CID V8 Engine Rebuild Manual | PDF Download

The service procedures, specifications and adjustments in this manual are designed for service technicians and owners to easily understand how to rebuild the V8 engines.
Engines covered by this Manual 1972-1975:
- 304 CID V8
- 360 CID V8
- 401 CID V8
- Include all 6 and 8 cylinder engines from 1972-1975
Below is a detailed list of topics covered in this Engine Rebuild Manual:
- Engine Assembly
- Lubrication System
- Positive Crankcase Ventilation
- Cylinder Head Cover and Gasket
- Rocker Arm Assembly
- Valve Spring - Valve Stem Oil Seal
- Intake and Exhaust Manifolds
- Cylinder Head and Gasket
- Cylinder Head Reconditioning
- Hydraulic Valve Tappets
- Vibration Damper
- Timing Chain Cover
- Timing Chain
- Camshaft and Bearings
- Oil Pan
- Oil Pump
- Rear Main Bearing Oil Seal
- Connecting Rod Bearings
- Connecting Road and Piston Assemblies
- Crankshaft Main Bearings
- Crankshaft
- Short Engine Assembly
- Flywheel and Starter Ring Gear Assembly
- Specifications
Please note: This Shop Manual covers the complete AMC Engine range both 6 and V8.
To purchase the complete comprehensive Workshop Service Repair Manual that includes this section please click here
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