CADILLAC 390 CID V8 Engine Rebuild Manual | PDF Download
CADILLAC 390 CID V8 Engine Rebuild Manual | PDF Download
Full details below

This manual provides information for the correct repair, servicing and adjustments for the 390 CID V8 Engine.
Below is a detailed list of topics covered in this Engine Rebuild Manual:
- General Description
- Rebuild Information (covers all minor and major engine repairs)
Engine removal and installation
- Cylinder head removal, disassembly, assembly , refit
- Valve springs and stem inspection, replace and refit
- Valve lifter inspection, replace and refit
- Oil pump removal, inspection, rebuild and refit
- Connecting rods and pistons, removal inspection, replace and refit
- Cylinder bore reconditioning
- Main bearing replacement
- Rear Main replacement
- Timing chain and sprocket removal, inspection, installation
- Camshaft and bearings removal, inspection, replace, install
- Crankshaft removal, inspection, recondition, refit
- Engine mounts removal and replacement
- Engine Fuel system
- Exhaust system
- Engine Cooling system
- Specifications
- Torque Tightness Settings
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