Motor Magazine & Motor Life Oct 1913 | PDF Download
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- Editorial
- Seeing Crater Lake from the Motor Car
- To the Geysers in a Day
- Nocturnal Touring and a Ride at Sunrise
- Peninsula Touring
- Good Roads Department
- (a) Working Organization of Lincoln Highway and Plan for Raising Funds
- (b) Road Construction About San Francisco
- (c) The Fifth Transcontinental Route
- (d) Concerning the Pacific Coast Highway
- (e) Shell Roads of Galveston County
- Early Entries in 500-Mile Race
- Calendar of Events in Motordom for 1913-1914
- New Things for the Motorist
- Changes in the Trade
- What a Cycle Car is
- Items of General Interest
- The Blessings of Your Motor Car
- Poem (Anon)